High Fiber Keto Smoothie Recipe


This is one of my favorite keto recipes from the book and a great example of how to add fiber and vegetables, even for breakfast!

Berries and cream go together like bread and butter (but without the inflammatory impact from the refined flour of course!).  In this high fiber keto smoothie recipe I pair fiber-rich blackberries with decadent heavy cream, heart-healthy avocado and hydrating cucumber to create a delicious smoothie that not only tastes like a decadent treat but treats your body to the true benefits of living the High Fiber Keto lifestyle: long-lasting energy that helps you restore your health and your body one meal at a time.  Enjoy this smoothie cold for the optimal flavor experience!

If you love this tasty high fiber keto smoothie recipe, there are plenty more where it came from! My new High Fiber Keto book includes a 22-Day meal plan, packed with fiber-rich, easy and delicious recipes just like this to help you marry the high fiber benefits along with your personalized keto diet.
