Women In Naturals 2017


When I started Reserveage, I had a vision of a company that would do great things:

  1. provide high-quality wellness products
  2. employ sustainable sourcing practices
  3. champion and uplift women to overcome obstacles to achieve success
  4. give back to our communities, both local and global.

I continue that work to help women thrive…each and every day.

Recognizing the bold work of women changemakers is something I love to do.  This month we once again sponsored the Women In Naturals event at Natural Products Expo and honored two amazing women for their important work.

Our first award was given to Lara Dickinson, the co-founder of the Climate Collaborative.  Her organization brings companies in the natural products space (many are household names) together to build and scale climate solutions.   Women are excellent at collaborating and Lara is harnessing her power to bring people together to make a difference.

Our second recognition recipient was Elizabeth Candelario for her work on biodynamic farming practices at Demeter. Demeter, named for the Greek goddess of agriculture, is a non-profit organization, with the mission to enable people to farm successfully.   Their vision is to heal the planet through agriculture. Having grown up on a biodynamic farm in Europe I know the importance and benefits of this farming practice and I am thrilled to recognize Elizabeth’s work.

#leadlikethis   #womeninbusiness #expoeast