Good Fats: Pomegranate Chicken


While many people tend to fear eating the skin on chicken, the fat is actually good for you when it’s part of a nutrient dense diet that includes plenty of polyphenols and phytonutrients. The key to enjoying fat is to preserve its structural integrity to prevent it from becoming oxidized when exposed to high heat.

Enter my favorite oil, tea seed oil. Tea seed oil is neutral flavored so it takes on the seasonings of this dish well, and due to its extraordinarily high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols, it can be used for high heat cooking. To get that unforgettable crispy chicken skin, you need high heat and when you use a safe oil that can hold up to high temperatures like my beloved tea seed, you can be sure you are protecting your health while also indulging your taste buds! Enjoy.

*Found where the kinds of vinegar are shelved in your local grocery store or online
