Autophagy Recipe: Young JackFruit Vegetable Curry


If you deliberately eat lower protein just a few time per week, the biological process of autophagy will be activated. Autophagy is basically like a deep cellular cleanse has been researched for its wide-ranging health benefits that run the gamut from decreased oxidation and inflammation, both of which are at the root of chronic disease, all the way to improved appearance of skin and prevention of unnecessary aging.

If you want to try eating low protein but it’s hard to plan a meal without it, especially in the form of animal protein, then this meal is for you! The young jackfruit is a wonderful vegetarian alternative that’s high in fiber and low in carbohydrates and protein. You can find it at your local market near the canned goods or online retailers. By adding it to a flavorful curry that’s chock full of polyphenols, which also activate autophagy, you ‘re hitting a home run for a cellular detox! Enjoy this curry with some cooked butternut squash or over gently sautéed zucchini noodles.

