Stop Hot Flashes & Night Sweats

Naomi W. Your wellness explorer

Supported by Research

This content is fact checked. There is published research supporting this article.


Hot flashes during the day. Night sweats when you’re trying to sleep. Menopause can be an excruciating time for many women.

One year ago, I nervously strode into perimenopause. It’s been subtle thus far but there are moments when I’m caught off guard by a sudden shift in mood or sleep disturbances that I didn’t have before.

I don’t want this monumental change to be steeped in fear—but I can’t ignore flashbacks seeing my mom in the throes of the worst menopause symptoms. The hot flushes as she called them were debilitating for her, and she would say the emotional rollercoaster made her feel that she was going crazy. No matter how temporary, it was clear that menopause affected her everyday quality of life.

I’m an optimist at heart… but I’ll admit that my mom’s experience along with those of dozens of women I’ve heard from have left me approaching my own change with a degree of fear and trepidation.

Menopause can last for up to 9 years after the onset of symptoms.… imagine feeling you have no control over your body for nearly a decade of your life!*


Every day in the U.S., 6,000 American women enter the “hot years”—a period of five years or more when estrogen levels drop sharply, causing turmoil not seen since puberty decades earlier. Mood swings and irritability, weight gain, vaginal dryness and uncontrollable sweating day and night top the list of 35 documented complaints.* If this sounds all too familiar, you are certainly not alone.

Around 80% of American women experience symptoms* starting gradually with perimenopause, around age 45. The entire transition from perimenopause to post menopause often lasts about 7-9 years* —nearly a decade of your life. Way too long just to “grin and bear” it.

Without question, menopause can be a long, bumpy ride that puts your daily comfort, relationships, intimacy and health to the test for years.

But when you discover there are millions of women around the world who do in fact skip over the symptoms of menopause, and better yet, that you can follow in their footsteps, you’ll want to know their secret.

And the good news is that there’s a scientifically proven way for you to “skip” over the worst symptoms, find relief fast and reduce your hot flashes by an incredible 61%.


For millions of women outside the U.S, menopause is little more than an inconvenient speed bump. While you’re feeling flush and tired, they’re vibrantly celebrating a milestone. Adding salt to the wound, they are also reporting that it’s not as bothersome as they expected.

According to numerous studies including the largest and most diverse study on menopause involving Western women—the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN):

  • Italian and Swedish women indicated that hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats and sleep disruptions were less prevalent than in American women.*
  • In India, a miniscule 17% of women studied reported having hot flashes.*
  • Taiwanese women reported less irritability, headaches, anxiety, hot flashes, depression, and mood changes than their sisters in Australia.*
  • Even Chinese-American and Japanese-American women reported having the easiest time with menopause compared to other races and ethnicities in America… hot flashes were reported at only 20% and 17%*, respectively.*

At first glance, this large population of women may seem immune to the agonizing symptoms that are interfering with your daily life right now.

Are they guarding a closely held secret to sidestepping the most dreaded symptoms—or were they just born lucky?

You’ll be relieved to hear there’s no big secret or luck to enjoying life on menopause. In fact, extensive research has pinpointed exactly what you have to do to have a positive experience.

I’m Naomi Whittel, New York Times bestselling author and women’s health advocate with an insatiable curiosity for the healing power of nature. As a wellness explorer, I travel the world to meet cutting-edge doctors and scientists to uncover breakthrough natural remedies that we can rely on to maintain our feminine beauty and energy at every stage of life.

And I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to suffer through this time in your life.

Whether you’re on the edge of the transition like me or at the pinnacle of the discomfort—or perhaps you’re on the descent but uncomfortable symptoms persist, you don’t have to suffer waiting for this life stage to end.


As women approach perimenopause, a period of transition, ovaries begin to prepare their “retirement party” and a physical and emotional rollercoaster ensues as estrogen and other sex hormones rise and fall wildly.

A woman’s biology relies on estrogen for far more than simply regulating menstruation, reproduction and making intimacy comfortable. It affects skin health and hair strength, weight and fat loss, bone formation, heart health and even cognition—effects that are often overlooked.

To understand just how vital estrogen is to our wellbeing, I spoke with globally renowned menopause expert, Felice L. Gersh, M.D. As the medical director of the Integrative Medical Group of Irvine, California, she has spent her entire career helping women restore hormonal balance through the most natural, least toxic solutions. Dr. Gersh explains that as we gradually lose this vital hormone, it becomes exceptionally difficult to ever keep hormonal equilibrium.

And during menopause when estrogen production slows to a crawl and hormone levels bottom out, previously mild and subtle symptoms such as hot flashes, moodiness and vaginal dryness quickly skyrocket in intensity.

Worst yet is this wild hormonal ride initiates a period of accelerated skin aging, changes in body composition and for many—weight gain.

At its worst, the entire menopause process can plunge you into a mental and physical state of despair that threatens to ruin your quality of life. It is no wonder that so many of us describe feeling like we’re going crazy and why many turn to doctor-prescribed synthetic therapies as a way to regain lost control over our bodies.

But what if these solutions are not for you—what if you could be “exempt” from most if not all of the uncomfortable symptoms like the women in the studies I mentioned above, and do it without dangerous risks or unwanted side effects?


According to researchers, women who reported the fewest hot flashes and other discomforts had something in common: they ate a diet high in phytoestrogens, and specifically isoflavones.

Derived from plants, phytoestrogens are phenolic compounds generated for protection against free radical attacks.* What’s truly remarkable is their capacity for “estrogenic activity”—meaning that phytoestrogen can mimic the effects of the estrogen in your body.*

Phytoestrogens not only have been shown to minimize the symptoms of menopause—they’re also associated with reduced cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of developing osteoporosis and other life-threatening conditions.***

Isoflavones are a particularly powerful type of phytoestrogen. They’re highly concentrated in soybeans and real soy products, such as tofu and edamame, but are also found in other legumes such as beans and lentils. Oats, rice, flaxseed, and walnuts are also good sources.

Unfortunately, the standard American diet is sorely lacking in most of these foods, and certainly in the high quantities necessary to minimize symptoms of menopause.

The good news is—exciting new research reveals- there’s a select number of “phytotherapy” extracts proven to help reduce the worst symptoms of menopause.

And best of all, you don’t have to alter your diet to get the relief you’ve been seeking.


When so many estrogen-dependent functions are out of sync, it can make you feel like your plummeting hormones are assaulting you. But thanks to groundbreaking research, there’s a powerful natural remedy that has been clinically shown to help calm 5 of the worst symptoms of related to menopause:

1. Hot flashes and night sweats…

Day and night, put an end to that creeping warming sensation and blushing, and the uncomfortable chills that follow

2. Irritability and mood swings…

Step off the rollercoaster of emotions, from sadness to anxiety to anger, and get back to your calm, stable self

3. Vaginal dryness and discomfort…

Enjoy intimate moments again and support natural lubrication and vaginal health

4. Low energy and fatigue…

By rebalancing fluctuating hormones, your body can jump-start cellular energy to boost metabolism and combat fatigue

5. Poor, disrupted sleep…

Difficulty falling asleep and awakening during the night no longer have to stress you out or cause next-day fatigue

Now, if you’ve tried natural menopause remedies in the past like loading up on soy, or taking Black Cohosh or wild yam supplements only to find yourself feeling just as uncomfortable as when you started—then you’ll be delighted to discover that this revolutionary phytotherapy is clinically proven to work.

It consists of three menopause-easing root extracts backed by extensive scientific research on two continents. While they’re now generating excitement in Western medicine, these extracts were formally recorded in 1613 as recommended herbal therapies for a variety of health concerns.

Let’s briefly explore the power of this trio of miracle workers and how they work…

First is Phlomis umbrosa, an isoflavone-rich member of the mint family with centuries of use in medicinal tea preparations to ease physical discomfort. Modern research suggests its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative prowess defeats free radicals linked to female sexual dysfunction.**

Second is Cynanchum wilfordii, a root brimming with isoflavones that is widely used in Korea to support bone strength in post-menopausal women, as well as fight muscle loss, promote heart health and even minimize graying hair.*

Third is Angelica gigas Nakai, a phytochemical-rich plant in the same family as the carrot. Research shows its potent compounds act on the nervous system to ease discomfort and distress throughout the body.**

And as you’re about to discover, these three potent extracts work wonders for helping to restore your balance and improve intimacy.


The difference between an herbal remedy and a groundbreaking solution capable of calming even the fieriest symptoms of menopause lies in the scientific support.

To the amazement of the research community, a group of pioneering researchers made an amazing discovery when they combined Phlomis umbrosa, Cynanchum wilfordii and Angelica gigas Nakai into a single, concentrated botanical ingredient called EstroG-100®.

Multiple studies were conducted on this specific patented, botanical blend. And time and time again, this trio of ingredients in the right combination delivered astonishing relief.

And if you are experiencing moderate to severe symptoms, you’ll be delighted with the results of this gold-standard, 12-week trial on American women ranging in ethnicities…

Researchers measured the intensity of participants’ symptoms using the Kupperman menopausal index (KMI) at the beginning and end of the trial and selected a randomized group of women to take the patented ingredient in supplement form daily.

The results among this group were astounding:

  • 61% reduction in hot flashes and night sweats
  • 59% decrease in vaginal dryness
  • 57% reduction in melancholy
  • 67% decline in fatigue
  • 57% lower fewer sleep disturbances
  • 62% reduction in nervousness

But perhaps the best part of all—this patented ingredient started to work in as few as 7 days!

Now that you know how effectively and rapidly it works, the only question left to answer is—how can YOU get your hands on this menopause problem solver?

NAOMI Harmony


Because menopause should be freeing, not miserable—I created NAOMI Harmony, a non-hormonal phytotherapy remedy that naturally restores your body’s feminine rhythm and balance.

Every serving of NAOMI Harmony is powered by the clinically effective dose of EstroG- 100, the patented ingredient shown to offer 5 dramatic benefits:

  • Reduce hot flashes and night sweats
  • Improve sexual intimacy
  • Support natural energy levels
  • Enhance mood and outlook
  • Minimize sleep disruptions

And NAOMI Harmony is affordably priced to make it easy for you to enjoy fast-acting relief and improvement to your everyday quality of life.


NAOMI Harmony is unique, because it is safely “estrogen neutral”. Unlike herbal formulas that introduce, block or disrupt hormone activity, NAOMI Harmony works by optimizing your ability to produce and regulate estrogen naturally.

You can enjoy relief without worrying about long-term health risks or unwanted side effects, such as weight gain. In fact, no adverse effects were reported even in a one-year study.***

Plus, unlike estrogenic ingredients that can mimic hormone activity, such as black cohosh and soy, the ingredients in NAOMI Harmony have been shown to work better and faster:

Symptom NAOMI
Manages hot flashes Yes Yes Yes
Manages night sweats Yes No No
Manages vaginal dryness Yes No No
Manages insomnia Yes No No
Manages mood Yes No No
Manages joint discomfort Yes No No
Non-estrogenic Yes No No
Affects weight and BMI No No Yes
Links to liver toxicity No Yes No
Links to vaginal bleeding No Yes No
Time it takes to start working 7-10 days 42 days 42-50 days


From root to stem to science, pure plant potency is the principle that guides the creation of every NAOMI brand health formula. And with NAOMI you get...

  • 100% clean botanicals
  • Vegetarian formula
  • No harmful toxins
  • No unnecessary fillers

Due to its clinically effective dose per serving and unparalleled purity, you may think that this leading-edge phytotherapy would be expensive. Many natural menopause supplements cost $50 or more, yet they lack quality testing and clinical support.

But because my goal is to help millions of American women find daily comfort and relief, I’ve made NAOMI Harmony incredibly affordable and convenient. And with today’s special savings offer, you can get it for even less!

Your 100% happiness is guaranteed with my 365-day return policy. Take NAOMI Harmony every day as suggested. If you’re not fully satisfied, we’ll give you your money back. No questions asked.

Regain your balance and joy, enjoy intimate moments and better sleep, and notice brain fog and fatigue lift away… and it starts in just 7 days.

NAOMI Harmony

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