French Vanilla Pumpkin Balls with Macadamia Coconut Dusting


I love that these tasty little balls include good fats, fiber, and collagen peptides – a source of protein that not only keeps your energy levels stable throughout the day but also benefits your skin, hair and nails along with your immune system. 

Considering that collagen makes up 30% of the proteins in our body, it’s an important protein to include in teas, soups, sauces or even delicious snack or dessert balls such as these!  Whip these up in less than 10 minutes, make a double batch and freeze them so you can easily defrost them throughout the fall.  This way, when you get a hankering for a pumpkin treat, you can choose real food ingredients and avoid the alluring (but empty) trap of store-bought varieties. Enjoy!
