Peppermint Mocha MCT Keto Coffee Recipe 


 Part of my daily routine involves having a rich, delicious cup of energizing coffee. But I don’t drink just any kind—one of my favorite ways to enjoy a cup of coffee is to make keto coffee by including MCT oil.

While it can be easier to simply grab a cup of coffee from your local coffee shop, I much prefer to make my own keto coffee at home to ensure it has health-supporting ingredients.

Sometimes, I still pack my own keto coffee in a reusable cup and take it with me while running errands. I also love to invite my girlfriends over to my house for a coffee date so I can show off my favorite coffee recipes, one of which I’ll share with you below! 

But before I share this amazing keto coffee recipe and discuss how to make keto coffee, let’s take a few moments to answer a few questions, such as:

  • What is keto coffee? (Is it the same as butter coffee?)
  • What does keto coffee do to your body?
  • Does keto coffee work to help you lose weight?

Understanding these questions and having a delicious-tasting keto coffee recipe at your fingertips will go a long way in helping you to kick the expensive coffee shop habit and actually look forward to making your very own keto coffee at home!

What Is Keto Coffee?

So, what's the difference between regular coffee and keto coffee?

Keto coffee is your basic coffee (I recommend organic) free of carbs and sugar that’s served with a source of high-fat food, such as coconut oil, butter, ghee, or my personal favorite—MCT oil, which I’ve found to be one of the best, healthiest fats you can consume.

This delicious beverage became popular in the U.S. several years back but under a different name: butter coffee. Since then, as more and more people have become familiar with the keto diet, less are calling it “butter coffee” and simply refer to it as coffee.

How Keto Coffee Works for Your Body

So, why is keto coffee popular? The short answer is that this high-fat drink supports your body’s ability to enter ketosis, which is a metabolic state in which your body burns stored fat for energy (rather than glucose). I call this the fat-burning metabolic state.

One of the most popular questions about keto coffee is whether or not it can promote weight loss. Because it supports ketosis and contains rich fats known to support satiety, drinking keto coffee has been found to support healthy weight management—as long as you aren’t consuming high-sugar foods that can take your body out of the fat-burning metabolic state.

How to Make Keto Coffee 

Personally, instead of making “butter coffee,” I like to include a quality and pure source of energy into my coffee, such as medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which synergize the effects of coffee in your system.

Just make sure to use an organic MCT oil that isn’t processed with harsh solvents or grown using pesticides. I recommend choosing an option like my Creamy MCT Vanilla Coconut Swirl, which contains 100 percent MCT and no additives or preservatives.

Now, while it did take me some time to get used to the routine of it, making MCT-based keto coffee has become quite enjoyable for me—and my guess is that you’ll come to like this ritual as much as I do. 

If you’re looking for a basic keto coffee recipe, you can simply make your favorite cup of coffee, add a tablespoon or two of a healthy source of fat (such as MCT oil), and complete it by adding a full-fat source of creamer, such as full fat coconut milk or heavy cream.

But if you’re looking for something more flavorful, check out my Peppermint Mocha MCT Keto Coffee recipe below.

Peppermint Mocha MCT Keto Coffee Recipe

While we often think of peppermint mocha as a winter or holiday-time beverage, it’s a type of keto coffee I like to enjoy year-round—but with a twist. 

My homemade Peppermint Mocha MCT Keto Coffee highlights the creamy luxury of MCT oil while serving as a great source of fiber and protein (learn more about why fiber is so important for women following a keto diet here. Plus, the peppermint provides a freshness that puts this beverage over the top and incredibly delicious, making it a true win-win!
